PROFESSOR ENG OOISpecialist Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon
Qualifications: FRACS, PhD, M.B.B.S
Australian and New Zealand Rhinologic Society
Fellow of the Royal Australasian college of surgeons
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Research grants received – Professor Eng Ooi

Research grants:

  1. Health professionals, resource use and the detection of Otitis Media in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children. PhD Excellence Award, Healthy Development Adelaide, Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation of SA. $15,000 CI: Lisa Callahan, Jacqueline Stephens, Eng Ooi
  2. Multicenter Proof-of-Concept study to investigate the feasibility and respiratory effects of stimulating two functional targets (neural and/or muscular) for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (the Hypo-Ancer-Stim study).
  3. Old drugs, new cures? Pre-clinical validation of new chemotherapeutic options for treating head and neck cancer. Flinders Foundation Health Seed Grant $24300. CIA Charmaine Woods, Lucy Huang, Michael Michael, Eng H Ooi, Simpson K, Wiesenfeld D, Sieber Oliver, Iseli Tim 1st January 2023 to 30th June 2024.
  4. Reboxetine for obstructive sleep apnoea after upper airway surgery: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Flinders Foundation Health Seed Grant $24986. CIA Eng H Ooi, CIB Danny Eckert, CIC Thomas Altree, CID Amal Osman, CIE Charmaine Woods, AIA Bastian Lechat, AIB Alison Levinton, AIC Himani Joshi, AID Robert Adams. 1st January 2023 to 30th June 2024.
  5. Pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Hearing Health: The PATHWAY project. Project ID 2015793. NHMRC Targeted Call for Research on Hearing Health $1,1155,685.70 from 1/10/22 to 30/09/25. CIA Jacqueline Stephens, CIB Leanne Quirino, CIC Jonathan Craig, CID Hasantha Gunasekera, CIE Courtney Ryder, CIF Andrea McKivett, CIG Susan Woolfenden, CIH Eng Ooi, CII Kirsten Howard, CIJ Trish Williams. AI: Trish MacFarlane
  6. Drug repurposing for treatment of head and neck cancer: Enhancing Metformin anti-cancer activity awarded by the Passe and Williams Memorial Foundation awarded to Ooi E, Huang LI, Michael M, Woods CM for Feb 2022 to Feb 2025.
  7. A multi-faceted study of the application of machine learning for the diagnosis of childhood otitis media awarded Flinders Foundation Health Seed Grant awarded December 2021.
  8. Towards the development of a deep learning algorithm to improve diagnosis of otitis media. Cross-College Flinders University Research Funding. Jacqueline Stephens (CMPH), Trent Lewis (College of Science and Engineering), Eng H. Ooi (CMPH).
  9. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Foundation for Surgery Small Project Grant titled THRIVE and KTP laser in upper airway surgery (2019)
  10. CRE_ICHEAR  Laboratory – Characterization of bacterial composition and antibiotic resistance in Aboriginal children with otitis media (CRE#39) 2019
  11. Flinders Foundation Health Seed Grants The investigation of dysphagia following oropharyngeal surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) 2019
  12. Allied Health SA Health Collaborative Grant: Characterization of swallow dysfunction and neuronal degeneration in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (2019)
  13. Avant Foundation Quality Improvement Grant to establish an ENT Quality Improvement Database titled Improving efficiency and clinical outcomes in ENT surgery using a web-based platform 2018-2020.
  14. Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Cancer Society Research Foundation grant for the project titled Pharyngeal augmentation for dysphagia (PAD) therapy: A novel surgical approach in dysphagia management for head and neck cancer survivors. 2018-19.
  15. Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Cancer Society Research Foundation grant for the “Development and validation of new breath analysis tools for the non-invasive detection of head and neck cancers”
  16. Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences grant for the project titled Pharyngeal augmentation for dysphagia (PAD) therapy: A novel surgical approach to dysphagia management.
  17. Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Top-up grant for project titled: Multi-level airway surgery in patients with moderate-severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) who have failed medical management 2016-2018
  18. Developing new diagnostic and prognostic breath analysis tools for head and neck cancer awarded by the Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation awarded 2017 to 2019
  19. Associate investigator for NHMRC grant  APP1104281, Title: Blood serum biomarkers for oesophageal cancer, for 2016-2019.
  20. Chief investigator for Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation conjoint grant with Dr Damian Hussey titled: Blood serum micro RNA biomarkers for detection of oropharyngeal cancer, for 2015-2017.
  21. Associate Investigator for NHMRC grant APP1059510, Title: Multi-level airway surgery in patients with moderate-severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) who have failed medical management, for 2014-2016.
  22. Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation Project Grant for 2013-2015. Haptic computer simulation for training in otorhinolaryngology.
  23. Flinders Faculty of Health Sciences Seeding Grant July 2013 to Dec 2014. Detection of a microRNA signature for laryngeal cancer from blood exosomes.
  24. Flinders Faculty of Health Sciences Seeding Grant, July 2012 to Dec 2013. SNOT – what makes it work? Preliminary investigation of antimicrobial activity of nasal secretions in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis or following use of commercial nasal sprays and irrigation solutions.
  25. Collaborative Research Grant, Nov 2012 – June 2013. SNOT – what makes it work? Preliminary investigation of antimicrobial activity of nasal secretions in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis or following use of commercial nasal sprays and irrigation solutions. Investigators:
  26. Faculty of Health Sciences Flinders University Seeding Grant 2011. Project Title:  Water flux through the nasal epithelium: implications for oedema and nasal secretions in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS)
  27. Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation Project Grant 2008-10. The innate immune system in chronic rhinosinusitis: the role of lysozyme”

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